About Got


For OpenBSD

For FreeBSD

For NetBSD

For Linux

For DragonflyBSD

For MacOS

[Game of Trees]

Game of Trees 0.98 released April 23, 2024
Game of Trees -portable 0.97 released March 11, 2024

Game of Trees (Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and simplicity over flexibility.

Got is still under development; it is being developed on OpenBSD and its main target audience are OpenBSD developers.

Got uses Git repositories to store versioned data. Git can be used for any functionality which has not yet been implemented in Got. It will always remain possible to work with both Got and Git on the same repository.

Game of Trees is developed by OpenBSD developers and other contributors. The software is freely usable and re-usable by everyone under a BSD license.

No mention of openbsd on the internet is complete without a long thread about source control migration. — tedu@